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THAT’S ALL女裝--只為帥氣女人
THAT’S ALL女裝品牌由意大利新銳設(shè)計師Melinas始創(chuàng),主要創(chuàng)意及設(shè)計工作由設(shè)在時尚之都意大利米蘭的設(shè)計工作室完成。
熱烈祝賀我司“THAT'S ALL” 品牌重慶璧山店于2016年4月15日新店正式盛大開業(yè),特此獻上衷心祝福,!癟HAT'S ALL” 品牌重慶璧山店開業(yè)大吉,生意蒸蒸日上!
THAT’S ALL--只為帥氣女人
THAT’S ALL品牌由意大利新銳設(shè)計師Melinas始創(chuàng),主要創(chuàng)意及設(shè)計工作由設(shè)在時尚之都意大利米蘭的設(shè)計工作室完成。
THAT'S ALL - only for handsome ladies
The unique brand THAT'S ALL has been created by Melinas, who is a new-star designer from Italy. That’s all’s design work is mainly created in the studio in the fashion capital-Milan.
“帥氣優(yōu)雅,簡潔立體,流暢大氣”是THAT’S ALL品牌一直秉持的風格和意念。
The three qualities---“Handsome, Elegant and Simple Streamline” have always become the uphold brand style and ideas.
THAT’S ALL女人既不是那種過于硬朗的男人婆,也不是那種過于媚俗的小女人,她們身材好,氣質(zhì)純凈,加上一點點不經(jīng)意流露的性感,甚至分寸適度的母性,這是女人的底色。她們不一定都身材高挑,但身板筆挺,線條極其流暢,從頭到腳不曾有過任何停滯。她們叫做帥氣女人。
THAT'S ALL ladies are neither the kind of masculine-like, performing too tough, nor the kind of kitsch, performing too secular, but all with perfect stature, pure temperament, coupled with a little bit of inadvertently revealing sexy, and even reflect their propriety of maternal sense, which is a woman nature. They are not necessarily tall, but with stream lines, from head to foot the line has no stagnation. They are called handsome woman.
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